Club Constitution
1. The Club shall be known as the Lancashire Woodturners. The Club shall have organizational objectives as follows:
a. To provide a forum for woodturners to exchange knowledge, ideas and information.
b. To maintain a high quality demonstration programme embracing a wide range of woodturning skills.
c. To promote safe working practices.
d. To encourage creativity and advanced techniques as both a functional craft and art form.
e. To promote the art and craft of woodturning to the outside community.
f. To facilitate where possible the supply/sale of associated items to members.
g. To support local charities when funds permit as determined by the committee.
2. Affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee comprising; a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer (The Officers), and up to six ordinary members.
3. A Committee quorum shall comprise five members, two of whom will be Officers.
4. The Committee, which is empowered to appoint sub committees and co-opt members, shall meet at intervals determined by the needs of the Club.
5. Accounts shall be held according to the regulations of the AWGB.
6. The annual membership fee, due on 1st January, shall be determined by the Committee. Concessions may apply as determined by the Committee.
7. Membership shall be terminated by the non-payment of the annual subscription by 27th February.
8. Members shall have the opportunity to join in the activities of the Club, attend the AGM, vote on constitutional matters and serve as Officers or Committee members subject to compliance of the rules.
9. The Committee will organize regular monthly meetings, which Members are entitled to attend. Guests will be charged a fee. Seminars, workshops and other special events may attract additional fees.
10. Members may not use the name of the Club for personal or trade promotions unless prior written permission has been obtained from the Committee.
11. The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as practical after 31st March, the Club financial year end. Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting will be made known to all members. An AGM quorum shall not be less than 10% of the membership.
12. Minutes of the previous AGM shall be displayed at the monthly meeting prior to the AGM. Copies will be made available to members on request.
13. Business to be transacted at the AGM will include:
a. Receive and adopt the minutes of the last AGM and deal with “matters arising”.
b. Receive and adopt the Chair report.
c. Receive and adopt the Treasurer’s Report and Audited Statement of Accounts.
d. Elect Officers and Committee Members for the coming year.
e. Conduct any further business in accordance with the rules.
14. Nominations for new Officers and Committee Members shall be notified to the Secretary, in writing, prior to the commencement of the AGM and shall include a Proposer and Seconder, both of whom shall be fully paid up members of the Association. The serving officers and committee members wishing to continue on the committee shall have en bloc nomination and together with new nominees shall be subject to the approval of members at the AGM.
15. Motions for the AGM shall be notified to the Secretary, in writing, at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
16. The Chair shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting, when required, by written notice, from not less than 10 members of the Association. The date, time and place of the Extraordinary General Meeting will be circulated to all members.